KulturLandschaftsPortal Thüringen
Kulturlandschaftsforschung im regionalen und europäischen Kontext


Protection of historical cultural landscapes to strengthen regional identity and local economy (until 2008)

The objectives of the INTERREG IIIB project focuses on the protection and sustainable development of selected historical cultural landscapes, which constitute a particular home and regional identity in Europe. The CULTURAL LANDSCAPE project brought together 11 partners from central and eastern European countries like Germany, Poland, Austria, Romania, Ukraine.

The Agricultural University of Krakow, as lead partner of the project, coordinated the actions between the project partners and the European Union. The FH Erfurt took the lead in creating an international list and glossary for endangered cultural landscape elements with the participation of the member countries. Furthermore, in collaboration with the University of Cluj, Romania (as a part of a student internship) the mapping of endangered cultural landscape elements of the Transylvania region was recorded and documented.

Partner Institution Address Contact person E-Mail
PP 01/LP
(PL 21)
Landwirtschaftliche Universität Krakow
Agricultural University of Krakow
Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying
Al. Mickiewicza 21
31-120 Kraków
Dr. Jozef Hernik ajhernik(at)poczta.onet.pl
PP 02
(PL 21)
Gemeinde Miechow
Municipality of Miechów
ul. Sienkiewicza 25
PL-32-200 Miechów
Wlodzimierz Mielus
PP 03
(PL 21)
Gemeinde Wisniowa
Municipality of Wisniowa
Wisniowa 441
PL-32-412 Wisniowa
Julian Murzyn
PP 04
(DEG 0)
Fachhochschule Erfurt
Lehrgebiet: Geologie und Bodenkunde
University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
Leipziger Str. 77
D-99085 Erfurt
Prof. Dr. H.-H. Meyer hh.meyer(at)fh-erfurt.de
PP 05
(DEG 0)
Heimatbund Thüringen e.V.
Heritage Association of Thuringia
Burgstraße 3
D-98 716 Elgersburg
Dr. Burkhardt Kolbmüller interreg(at)swkk.de
PP 06
(DEG 0)
Regionale Planungsgemeinschaft Ostthüringen
Regional Planning Association East-Thuringia
H.-Drechsler-Str. 1
D-07548 Gera
Edgar Dally regionalplanung-ost
PP 07
(AT 12)
Umweltmanagement Austria
Environment Management Austria
Neue Herrengasse 17a
A-3109 Pölten
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Christian uma(at)noe-lak.at
PP 08
(AT 11)
Weideverein Ramsar Lafnitztal
Grazing Association Ramsar Site Valley of Lafnitz
Loipersdorf No. 127
A-7411 Loipersdorf
Wolfgang Pelikan Wolfgang.Pelikan(at)bgld.gv.at
PP 09
(EO 35)
Universität “Babes-Bolyai” Klausenburg
University “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca
Str. Kogalniceanu Nr. 1
400084 Cluj-Napoca
Assoc. Prof. Wilfried Schreiber wilfried(at)staff.ubbcluj.ro
PP 10
(EO 35)
Ethnographisches Museum von Transsylvanien
Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania
Str. Memorandumului Nr. 21
400114 Cluj-Napoca
Simona Munteanu contact(at)muzeul-etnografic.ro
PP 11
(EO 43)
Polytechnische Universität Lemberg
National University Lviv Polytechnic
Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
Photogrammetrie und Geoinformatik
Prof. Dr. sc. Oleksandr Dorozhynskyy aldorozh(at)polynet.lviv.ua

Various results of the project under the leadership of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

Fachhochschule Erfurt - University of applied sciences KLEKs - KulturLandschaftsElementeKataster Heimatbund Thüringen